Data Package is backed by a comprehensive list of software products supporting the standard. From no-code visual tool Open Data Editor to low-level drivers for 10 programming languages. Here is the list of available software:
Open Data Editor
No-code application to explore and publish all kinds of data: datasets, tables, charts, maps, stories, and more. Forever free and open source project powered by open standards and generative AI.

No-code application to explore and publish all kinds of data: datasets, tables, charts, maps, stories, and more. Forever free and open source project powered by open standards and generative AI.
Data Curator
Data Curator is a simple desktop data editor to help describe, validate and share usable open data.

An opinionated JSON to CSV/XLSX/SQLITE/PARQUET/POSTGRES converter which tries to make a useful relational output for data analysis.

frictionless-py Data management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
dataflows DataFlows is a simple, intuitive lightweight framework for building data processing flows in python.
frictionless-js A lightweight, standardized library accessing files and datasets, especially tabular ones (CSV, Excel).
datapackage-render-js React components for rendering Data Package Views.
frictionless-r R package to read and write Frictionless Data Packages
datapackage-rb Ruby library and tools for working with datapackages
tableschema-rb A Ruby library for working with JSON Table Schema.
datapackage-php A php library for working with Data Package.
tableschema-php A php library for working with Table Schema.
datapackage-java A Java library for working with Frictionless Data Data Packages.
tableschema-java A Java library for working with Table Schema.
datapackage-swift A Swift library for working with Data Package.
tableschema-swift A Swift library for working with Table Schema.
datapackage-go A Go library for working with Data Package.
tableschema-go A Go library for working with Table Schema.
datapackage-jl A Julia library for working with Data Package.
tableschema-jl A Julia library for working with Table Schema.